Thursday, March 13, 2014

[ THE PEOPLE, THEIR SCARVES , and 40 SUMN ways to use it! ]

In all reality... SCARVES WERE NEVER INITIALLY MADE TO STAY WARM...& THEY STILL AREN'T! Its all for show. They were used Back in Rome to keep clean ( a Sudarium ) ..Chinese Warriors wore them to stand out and be acknowledged ( Just in case SOMEBODY made their food wrong ) and now we wear em like this:



Scarves are hands down fashion statements....Warmth comes second. Super accessories! Its impossible to say you wouldn't wear one or even become open to adding an extra pep in your step ( Lie and say you dont feel A Lil confident when you finally put one on ).The reason a person wouldn't wear one is one of 2 things: You don't know how to or your parents made you when you were younger and now you wish to rebel ( Its Okay! ). All of this is understandable, so whenever your ready.. check out our heads up on 40 SUMN ways to Tie your scarves

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